Dictionary of Traditional Agriculture: English-French-Chinese-Japanese

branch with some twigs from year before to make cuttings

Courçon à deux crossettes
France, 19th century (vers 1860). Dir. P. Joigneaux, Le livre de la ferme et des maisons de campagne, vol. 2, Paris, 1865.
avantin, crossette
branch with some twigs from year before to make cuttings
挿し木するための前年からの小枝を含む枝 (ブドウ・イチジクなどの)挿し木用若枝(ぶどう・いちじくなどの)さしきようわかえだ
(插枝用的)切條, 插條
(插枝用的)切条, 插条
(chazhi yong de) qietiao, chatiao