Search result: Harvest (134 results) French séchoir, cage à maïs English drying room Chinese 晒谷架, 晾谷架,晾玉米架 Japanese 穀物を乾燥する借りの建物 Category Harvest Go French silo, silotage English silo, filling silo Chinese 粮窖 Japanese サイロ Category Harvest Go French releveur English grain lifter, crop lifter, device for raising lod (...) Chinese (用来撑起倒伏庄稼以便收割的)撑谷杆器 Japanese 収穫前に畑で倒れた茎を立ち上げる棒状の機具、刈り取り作業を (...) Category Harvest Go French racloire, radoire, rader English strickle, level off top of unit of measurement re (...) Chinese (用来刮平高出量器谷物的)斗刮,刮尺,斗概 Japanese 斗掻,枡に盛った穀類を平にならす棒 Category Harvest Go French protège-lame English sickle blade protector slipped over cutting edge (...) Chinese 镰刃保护套 Japanese 鎌の刃のカバー,携帯用 Category Harvest Go French perlé English pearled barley, oats from which tegument has been (...) Chinese 去掉种皮的大麦粒 Japanese 外皮をとった大麦 Category Harvest Go French pelletage English aerate, airing wheat to prevent fermentation Chinese 用铲翻晾谷物 Japanese 穀物を腐らないように空気にあてる Category Harvest Go French otons English tailings (harvest, threshing) Chinese 未打下皮壳的麦粒 Japanese 籾摺りしても籾殻が落ちなかった屑 Category Harvest Go French javeler, javelage English lay in swaths, laying in swaths after reaping Chinese 把(收割的谷物)堆成条堆 Japanese 束を鳰に立てる Category Harvest Go French ensilage, ensiler English ensilage, put in silo, clamping, to clamp Chinese 谷物的窖藏 Japanese 穀物をサイロに入庫卯すること,穀物をサイロで貯蔵すること Category Harvest Go French engrangement, engranger, mettre en grange English to stock, store (in barn), carting in, bringing i (...) Chinese 谷物入仓 Japanese 穀物を入庫すること,穀物を貯蔵すること Category Harvest Go French crib English corncrib Chinese 晒谷棚,晒谷架,晾谷架,晒谷架,晒玉米穗架 Japanese 穀物やトウモロコシをつり干す四方型柵 Category Harvest Go French échardonnoir, échardonner, échardonnage English thistle weeder, weed out thistles, thistle weeding Chinese (用来割掉刺蓟等害草的)长柄割刀 Japanese 薊を切る道具 Category Harvest Go French aiguisage, aiguiser, affiler, affilage English to whet, whetting, to hone, honing Chinese 磨利, 磨快, 磨尖 Japanese 研ぐ Category Harvest Go French panicule English panicle Chinese 穗,谷穗 Japanese 穂 (稲・燕麦のように広がった形の穂) Category Harvest Go French tallage (période) English period when foot of plant is bent over to promote (...) Chinese 分蘖期 Japanese 穀類植物の分蘖期間 Category Harvest Go French enclumette English hand-anvil Chinese (敲击大镰刃时用来放置镰刀的) 铁砧,砧座 Japanese (訳) 刃打ち台 Category Harvest Go French battre, rebattre (la faux) English rebeat (scythe), to hammer Chinese (敲击大镰刃部使之锋利) 敲刃,打刃 Japanese (大鎌の) 刃打ち調整 (刃の打ち直し) Category Harvest Go French doigtier (pour protéger les doigts des moissonneu (...) English finger-gard Chinese (收割时用来保护手指的)指套 Japanese (訳) (鎌で収穫する時の) 指あて Category Harvest Go French moissonneur, moissonneuse (personne) English harvester, reaper Chinese 收获者,收割者 Japanese (訳) 刈り取る人 Category Harvest Go French glaneur, glaneuse (personne) English gleaner Chinese 拾穗的人,拾穗者 Japanese (訳) 落穂を拾う人 Category Harvest Go French moissonneuse-batteuse English harvester-thresher, combine harvester Chinese 联合收割机,收割脱粒机 Japanese コンバイン・ハーヴェスター Category Harvest Go French moissonneuse-lieuse English harvester-binder, reaper and binder Chinese 收割打捆机 Japanese 苅った穀物をたばねる機械 Category Harvest Go French moissonneuse-javeleuse English harvester-bailer Chinese 打捆收割机 Japanese 苅った穀物を束ねる機械 Category Harvest Go French moissonneuse (machine) English harvester Chinese 收割机 Japanese ハーヴェスタ- Category Harvest Go French ramassage (v. ramasser) English collecting (v. collect) Chinese 收获谷物、果实 Japanese 集穫 ? Category Harvest Go French chaume, éteule, estouble, restouble English stubble Chinese 茎秆,蒿杆,(收割后留在地里的)茬 Japanese 株 (例 稲株 ・麦株), 刈り株, 残稈 Category Harvest Go French paille English straw Chinese 秸秆,稻草,麦秸 Japanese 藁, 稈 Category Harvest Go French fourrage English fodder Chinese 草料,饲料 Japanese 飼料, 秣 Category Harvest Go French meule de foin English hay stack, hay rick Chinese 干草垛 Japanese 干草塚 Category Harvest Go French séchage des grains English drying grain Chinese 晾晒谷粒 Japanese 穀粒乾燥 Category Harvest Go French séchage des gerbes au sol English letting sheaves dry on ground Chinese 地面晾晒 Japanese 地干し Category Harvest Go French coffin, coyer English strickle horn (whetstone sheath) Chinese (装磨镰水用的)小水筒 Japanese 水筒 (大鎌研ぎ用) ? Category Harvest Go French faux à pleyon, faux armée English cradle scythe, cradle Chinese 带有多个耙齿的大镰 Japanese クレ-ドル=サイズ, 抱装大鎌 Category Harvest Go French faux English scythe (two-handled) Chinese 长柄大镰刀 Japanese 大鎌, なぎ鎌, 西洋大鎌 Category Harvest Go French sape, piquet English hainault scythe Chinese (用来抛割的)和长柄拢钩一起使用的弯柄镰 Japanese 曲がった柄の鎌と穂集めフック Category Harvest Go French pierre à affûter, pierre à aiguiser, dalle, queue English whetstone Chinese 磨石,磨刀石 Japanese 砥石 ( 刃鎌用) Category Harvest Go French talon English heel Chinese 欧洲长镰根部突出的部分,长镰后跟 Japanese 踵と呼ばれる長柄鎌様式の柄と刃の角度 Category Harvest Go French lame English blade Chinese 刀片、刀体 Japanese 刃 Category Harvest Go French verse, versé English lodge, lodged Chinese 倒伏(在田里的谷物) Japanese 畑で倒れた穀物, 倒伏 Category Harvest Go French moyette, dizeau English haystack, hayrick Chinese 竖在田里的穀捆、禾捆、秸捆 Japanese 小さい藁鳰,小さい穀物等の鳰 Category Harvest Go French gerbe (elle est liée) English sheaf, bundle (US) Chinese 捆,把 Japanese 束 (例 稲束, 麦束), 把 (例 一把, 二把) Category Harvest Go French épi English ear, head Chinese 穗,谷穗 Japanese 穂 (特に小麦・大麦・ライ麦のように棒状の穂) Category Harvest Go French cueillette (v. cueillir) English gathering (v. gather) Chinese 采集 Japanese 採集 (v. — する) Category Harvest Go French liage des gerbes, lier en gerbes, gerber English binding (v. bind), tying up (clutches, sheaves, b (...) Chinese 捆,大捆(把成把的穗捆成大捆) Japanese 結束 (v. — する), 束ねる Category Harvest Go French récolte des épis (v. couper les épis) English reaping (or cutting) of ears (or heads) (v. cut e (...) Chinese 割穗,摘穗 Japanese 穂首刈り, 穂刈り, 穂摘み ( 「穂刈」は道具を使ってな (...) Category Harvest Go French récolte à la main (coupe ou arrachage à la main) (...) English reaping by hand (cutting or pulling up by hand) ( (...) Chinese 用手摘,,用手收摘 Japanese 手刈り ((反) バインダ-刈) Category Harvest Go French coupe (v. couper) English cutting (v. cut) Chinese 割,收割 Japanese 切ること, 切り取り Category Harvest Go French récolte (cf. récolter) English reaping (cf. reap) Chinese 收获,收获期,收成 Japanese 刈り入れ (cf. 刈り入れる), 刈り取り (cf. 刈 (...) Category Harvest Go French moisson English reaping (v. reap), harvest Chinese 收获,收获期,收获的谷物 Japanese 刈り入れ (v. 刈取る), 収穫 (v. — する) Category Harvest Go 1 2 3