Search result: Tillage (221 results) French labour en billons English bedding, ridging Chinese 畦耕 Japanese 畝 (畦)を作って耕す Category Tillage Go French verser, versage English 1) lodge (of grain stalks), lodging, 2) to overtu (...) Chinese 翻地 Japanese 1刈り穂の小屋、2ひっくり返す Category Tillage Go French refendre English plough in same direction as before, but passing a (...) Chinese (对休闲地的)二次翻耕 Japanese 犂で耕起された畑を再び同じ方向へ馬鍬で耕起する Category Tillage Go French nivelage, nivellement, niveleur, niveleuse English levelling, leveller Chinese (用板式耙进行的)平地式覆种 Japanese 種を覆うために整地する,土を平らに整える,土地を平に整地す (...) Category Tillage Go French jachérer English to plough up, to fallow Chinese (对休闲地的)翻耕,翻地 Japanese 播種前の準備耕 Category Tillage Go French fouir English to dig Chinese 挖地,掘地,翻地 Japanese 掘る、掘り起こす Category Tillage Go French émotteuse, écroûteuse (hersage), herse, croskill English harrowing roller Chinese 钉耙, 铁搭, 齿耙,松土机 Japanese 土均しローラー Category Tillage Go French échaumer, déchaumer, déchaumage, déchaumeuse English stubble ploughing, stubble plough, plough down, s (...) Chinese 粗耕, 灭茬 Japanese 刈り株を土返して埋める Category Tillage Go French TRAD. nivellement du sol English TRAD. levelling of soil Chinese 平整土地 Japanese 地ならし Category Tillage Go French fond (de la raie) English bottom of furrow, plough pan Chinese (犁耕后的)犁沟底面,垄沟底面 Japanese 畦溝の底 Category Tillage Go French muraille (de raie) (bord vertical de la raie) English vertical furrow side, furrow wall Chinese (犁耕或翻耕后的)垄壁、埂壁 Japanese (訳) 溝壁 (溝の壁) Category Tillage Go French joug de nuque (joug de garrot) English neck yoke, withers yoke Chinese 轭,肩轭,颈轭 Japanese 首木 (「首木」そのもの - 牽引家畜の首の上に置かれる首 (...) Category Tillage Go French sous-soleuse (instrument à un soc qui travaille l (...) English TRAD. implement with one share to work under the (...) Chinese (译) 挖沟犁, 鼹鼠犁 Japanese (訳)畝間の溝底土を回転しないで耕す有犂先耕機 Category Tillage Go French planche (de labour) English land strip Chinese 畦,畦田 Japanese 畝 Category Tillage Go French louchet (espèce de bêche à longue lame plate) English TRAD. a kind of spade with long flat blade Chinese 长刃平板铁锹 Japanese (訳) 刃が長く平らな一種の鋤 Category Tillage Go French sombre, guéret, jachère (terre labourée en été po (...) English fallow (ploughing program to prepare for autumn s (...) Chinese 夏天翻犁、为秋天栽种做准备的)休耕地,备耕地 Japanese (訳) 耕起と耕起の間の休耕地 (夏になされた耕起の後、次 (...) Category Tillage Go French extirpateur (instrument attelé à plusieurs socs p (...) English weeder scarifier, extirpator Chinese 松土耕耘机, 松土机, 中耕机 Japanese 数個の犂刃をもつ牽引農耕具,除草機具 Category Tillage Go French étrampoir, jauge English plough gauge, plow gauge Chinese 犁坪,耕深调节器 Japanese 耕深調節具 Category Tillage Go French défonçage, défoncement (labour exceptionnellement (...) English TRAD. deep ploughing Chinese 特深耕 Japanese (訳) 極端に深い深耕 Category Tillage Go French arable English arable, suitable for cultivation Chinese 可耕种的 Japanese 耕作可能な, 耕地に適した Category Tillage Go French ameublissement English breaking up the soil Chinese 松土 Japanese 砕土 (作業) Category Tillage Go French ados, condos (levées de terre faites de tranches (...) English ridge Chinese (防风保温的) 垄 Japanese (訳) 犂で起こした土塊を背もたせするように並べた状態の (...) Category Tillage Go French accoupler, apparier (se dit de deux animaux mis e (...) English to yoke (two animals) Chinese 二牛抬杠 Japanese (訳) 二頭の家畜に首木をつける Category Tillage Go French rouleau-herse, herse roulante English roller-harrow Chinese 辊轴, 碌碡 Japanese (無) 一種のローラー Category Tillage Go French dents de herse English teeth, tines of harrow Chinese 齿 Japanese 歯, 子 (馬鍬等の) Category Tillage Go French herse à disques, déchaumeuse à disques English disk harrow Chinese 圆盘耙 Japanese ディスクハロー Category Tillage Go French ploutroir, ploutre, herse plate, herse à échelle (...) English harrow (tineless), ladder harrow Chinese 耢, 耱 Japanese (無) (訳) 一種の整地・均平具 (歯なし馬鍬 ?) Category Tillage Go French hersage, herser English harrowing, to harrow Chinese 耙地., 耙田 Japanese 代掻き (馬鍬による) (水田の場合), 砕土 (畑の場 (...) Category Tillage Go French labour motteux English cloddy plowing, cloddy ploughing Chinese 留下土块的犁耕 Japanese (訳) 荒起 (土塊を作る耕起) Category Tillage Go French labour profond (OPP. labour superficiel ou léger) English deep tillage, deep plowing, deep ploughing (OPP. (...) Chinese 深耕(反 浅耕) Japanese 深耕 (反 浅耕) Category Tillage Go French labour superficiel, labour léger (OPP. labour pro (...) English surface tillage, shallow ploughing, shallow plowi (...) Chinese 浅耕 Japanese 浅耕 (反 深耕) Category Tillage Go French labour en sillons, billons (OPP. labour à plat) English ridge and furrow plowing (OPP. flat plowing) Chinese (在地头直接掉头、将土向中间翻犁并形成土垄的)垄沟犁法 Japanese 畦立耕法 * (反 平面耕法??) Category Tillage Go French labour en adossant* (OPP. labour en refendant) English gathering (OPP. casting) Chinese 从中心向外圈犁地 Japanese 畑を一区画が各に中心部から左右に進んで畝立てする耕起法 Category Tillage Go French labour dressé* (OPP. labour couché) English plowing, ploughing to make set-up furrow slices ( (...) Chinese (犁地时犁出的)直壁犁耕 (全土翻耕) Japanese 直壁に犂き返す法 Category Tillage Go French labour croisé English cross-plowing, cross-ploughing Chinese (译) 交叉犁耕 Japanese (訳) 十字耕法 Category Tillage Go French labour couché (labour effectué en retournant comp (...) English lapping of furrows, flat plowed field (OPP. plowi (...) Chinese (把耕土面全翻过来的)全土翻耕(反:直壁翻耕) Japanese 天地返し Category Tillage Go French labour, labourage, travail du sol, mettre en cult (...) English tilling, tillage, plowing, ploughing Chinese 耕田, 犁田, 犁地, 犁耕, 耕翻, 翻地 Japanese 1. 耕耘 2. 耕起 3. 犂耕 Category Tillage Go French joug double English double yoke Chinese 双轭 Japanese (訳) 二頭引き用首木 (軛) Category Tillage Go French joug simple, jouguet English simple yoke, single yoke Chinese 单轭 Japanese (訳) 一頭引き用首木 ( 軛) Category Tillage Go French émottage English clod-breaking, clod-crushing Chinese 破碎土块, 碎土 Japanese 破砕, 砕土 Category Tillage Go French entretoise (des mancherons) English cross-piece Chinese 犁衡, 横档 Japanese 犂のV型犂柄 を繋げる木製や鉄製の横木 Category Tillage Go French coutre, couteau English coulter Chinese 犁刀 Japanese (訳) 犂刀 Category Tillage Go French avant-train English forecarriage, fore-carriage Chinese (译) (犁的)导轮 Japanese (訳) 犂輪装置 Category Tillage Go French étançon English strut, leg, standard Chinese 箭, 犁箭 Japanese 犂柱, 犂箭, たたり Category Tillage Go French versoir, oreille English mould-board, ear Chinese 犁鐴,犁面,犁铲 Japanese 鐴、犂へら、へら Category Tillage Go French charrue à avant-train, charrue à roues, charrue à (...) English wheel-plow, wheel-plough (plough with forecarriag (...) Chinese 双轮犁 Japanese (訳) 有鐴有輪犂 Category Tillage Go French araire (instrument aratoire symétrique) English scratch-plow, scratch-plough, ard Chinese (译) 没有犁壁的犁 Japanese 1. (訳) 無鐴犂 2. 犂 Category Tillage Go French TRAD. houe à cheval (une famille des instruments (...) English horse-hoe Chinese 马拉锄犁 Japanese (無) 複数の犂先をもつ一連の浅耕用牽引耕具 Category Tillage Go French bêche English spade Chinese 锹, 铲子, 锸, 铁锨, 铁铣 Japanese 鋤 Category Tillage Go French instrument aratoire English tilling implement Chinese 耕作机具, 耕耘机 Japanese 耕耘具 Category Tillage Go 1 2 3 4 5